Tag Archives: States

Proposal for the Senate

This post needs reader interaction in order to be successful, so please comment away and vote in the poll.

On the bus this morning on my way to work, an interesting idea was proposed by the person sitting to my right. She argued that the Senate was no longer fair and equitable and doesn’t truly represent the voice of the public. Granted, back in the day when all these rules and laws called the Constitution was being written, the division of the House & Senate and representation made sense, there weren’t states like Ohio (population of 11,485,910) and Alaska (686,293). So, she was arguing for a House like division of the Senate, obviously not in the same ratio, but something along the lines that represents the population differences and more equitably aligns power so that Senators from North Dakota (641,841) and Senators from Texas (24,326,974) don’t hold the same sway. Basically, the argument is that Senators from say, Wyoming (532,668) could derail important legislation like health care or economic reform because their vote is just as important as the votes from California’s (36,756,666) Senators.

Does the Senate fairly represent the populace of the US? What do you think should be done? Maybe the new census can help resolve this issue.